MIDI implementation chart

Basic Information
MIDI channels1-128up to 8 ports (16 channels each)
Note numbers0-127
Program change0-127
Bank Select response?yes
Modes supported:
Mode 1: Omni-On, Polyno
Mode 2: Omni-On, Monono
Mode 3: Omni-Off, Polyyes
Mode 4: Omni-Off, Monoyes
Multi Modeyes
Note-On Velocityyes
Note-Off Velocityno
Channel Aftertouchyes
Poly (Key) Aftertouchyes
Pitch Bendyes
Active Sensingno
System Resetno
Tune Requestno
Universal System Exclusive:
Sample Dump Standardno
Device Inquiryno
File Dumpno
MIDI Tuningyes
Master Volumeyes
Master Balanceno
Notation Informationno
Turn GM1 System Onyes
Turn GM2 System Onyes
Turn GM System Offyes
File Referenceno
Controller Destinationyesonly Controller 1 (Modulation Wheel) and Channel/Key Pressure
Key-based Instrument Controllersyes
Master Fine/Coarse Tuneyes
Other Universal System ExclusiveyesGlobal Parameter Control
Manufacturer or Non-Commercial System ExclusiveyesRoland GS and Yamaha XG messages corresponding to those in BASS_MIDI_StreamEvent
RPN 00 (Pitch Bend Sensitivity)yes
RPN 01 (Channel Fine Tune)yes
RPN 02 (Channel Coarse Tune)yes
RPN 03 (Tuning Program Select)no
RPN 04 (Tuning Bank Select)no
RPN 05 (Modulation Depth Range)yes
NRPN 0108 (Vibrato Rate)yes
NRPN 0109 (Vibrato Depth)yes
NRPN 010A (Vibrato Delay)yes
NRPN 0120 (Filter Cutoff Frequency)yes
NRPN 0121 (Filter Resonance)yes
NRPN 0163 (Attack Time)yes
NRPN 0164 (Decay Time)yes
NRPN 0166 (Release Time)yes
NRPN 14rr (Drum Filter Cutoff Frequency)yes
NRPN 15rr (Drum Filter Resonance)yes
NRPN 18rr (Drum Pitch Coarse)yes
NRPN 19rr (Drum Pitch Fine)yes
NRPN 1Arr (Drum Level)yes
NRPN 1Crr (Drum Pan)yes
NRPN 1Drr (Drum Reverb Send)yes
NRPN 1Err (Drum Chorus Send)yes
NRPN 1Frr (Drum User Effect Send)yesUser Effect is user-implemented via BASS_MIDI_CHAN_USERFX
MIDI Timing and Synchronization
MIDI Clockno
Song Position Pointerno
Song Selectno
MIDI Time Codeno
MIDI Machine Controlno
MIDI Show Controlno
Extensions Compatibility
General MIDI compatible?GM, GM2
Is GM default power-up mode?no
DLS compatible?no
Standard MIDI Filesyes
XMF Filesno
SP-MIDI compatible?no
0 Bank Select (MSB)yes
1 Modulation Wheel (MSB)yes
5 Portamento Time (MSB)yes
6 Data Entry (MSB)yes
7 Channel Volume (MSB)yes
10 Pan (MSB)yes
11 Expression (MSB)yes
32 Bank Select (LSB)yes
38 Data Entry (LSB)yes
64 Sustain Pedalyes
65 Portamento On/Offyes
66 Sostenutoyes
67 Soft Pedalyes
71 Sound Controller 2 (Filter Resonance)yes
72 Sound Controller 3 (Release Time)yes
73 Sound Controller 4 (Attack Time)yes
74 Sound Controller 5 (Filter Cutoff Frequency)yes
75 Sound Controller 6 (Decay Time)yes
76 Sound Controller 7 (Vibrato Rate)yes
77 Sound Controller 8 (Vibrato Depth)yes
78 Sound Controller 9 (Vibrato Delay)yes
84 Portamento Controlyes
91 Effects 1 Depth (Reverb Send)yes
93 Effects 3 Depth (Chorus Send)yes
94 Effects 4 Depth (User Effect Send)yesUser Effect is user-implemented via BASS_MIDI_CHAN_USERFX
98 Non-Registered Parameter Number (LSB)yes
99 Non-Registered Parameter Number (MSB)yes
100 Registered Parameter Number (LSB)yes
101 Registered Parameter Number (MSB)yes
120 All Sound Offyes
121 Reset All Controllersyes
123 All Notes Offyes
124 Omni Mode Offyestreated as All Notes Off
125 Omni Mode Onyestreated as All Notes Off
126 Poly Mode Offyes
127 Poly Mode Onyes
* all other controllers are unrecognized by default but can be user-implemented via a MIDI_EVENT_CONTROL event sync/filter