
Prioritization allows you to set which notes you want to keep, when there are not enough MIDI channels to keep them all in the conversion. This section explains the five different prioritization methods used in 2MIDI, and how they link together. They are listed below in order of priority over eachother (highest priority first).

This prioritization method is for advanced users. It involves setting up a custom effect to use as a priority effect, and then using that effect when creating the MOD (or adding it in after). This method is the only one that is dynamic, the priority setting can be changed at any time in the MOD file.

Allows you to set the priority for each sample individually. This includes individual settings for each sample in multi-sample instruments.

Rather obviously, it allows you to set the priority for each of the MOD channels.

This is the default prioritization method used when the other priority settings are unable to seperate the notes. The lower channels have priority over the higher channels.

Basically, the way it works is when a note from the MOD is to be played, 2MIDI looks for a free MIDI channel. If one is found, then no prioritization is required and the note is played on the free MIDI channel.

But when there are no free MIDI channels available, then the priority of the note to be played is compared with the priority of those already playing. First, the prioritization effect (the highest priority) value for each note is compared, if they are equal then the sample priority (the next highest priority) value is checked. And so on until a clear winner is found, either the new note has a higher priority, or not. After all the currently playing notes' priorities have been compared with the new note's priority, then the one that the new note beats by the most (if any) is cut. The new note then takes over the cut note's MIDI channel.

All the priority settings, apart from channel number prioritization which is obviously fixed, range from 0 (lowest) to 255 (highest).